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Eat green vegetables can sterilization against cold spring

As soon as people are eating out more, eat unhealthy food, bacteria in an environment of high temperature, high humidity is easy to breed, causes intestinal diseases. In addition, drinking lots of water will cause the gastric juice to dilute when thirsty, reduce appetite at the same time, also created conditions for bacteria breeding. To avoid germs come, every time when having a meal with sterilization effect is to choose one or two vegetables, can have very good prevention effect.

Bactericidal effect of vegetables mainly refers to the onion garlic, such as garlic, green Onions, leeks, Onions, leeks, garlic sprout, etc. These plants contain rich broad-spectrum sterilization, to all sorts of bacteria, bacteria, fungi, viruses have kill and inhibition. Among them, the role of the most prominent is the garlic. Garlic contains the main antibacterial ingredients - allicin can effectively kill bacteria. It is important to note that the garlic to make the best full play to the functions of sterilization, raw food, for good, every day to eat a few disc mashed garlic, can effectively prevent the occurrence of acute dysentery and enteritis; Garlic after cooked effect will sell at a discount greatly.

In addition to the onion garlic, some other vegetables also to have certain antibacterial anti-inflammatory effects. Such as purslane, dandelion and other vegetables, eat some fresh in the spring and summer season, can not only regulate taste, prevention and health care function. We often eat vegetables at ordinary times, there are also some antimicrobial effect, squeezed into juice drink, better for the elderly and children are more easily absorbed. Such as cabbage juice and cucumber juice, containing selenium helps to enhance the capacity of the sterilization of white blood cells in the human body, the gum infection caused by periodontal disease have certain curative effect. Sour vegetables such as tomato can promote gastric juice to generate, increase stomach acid, reducing bacteria reproduction caused by inadequate secretion of gastric juice.

When edible antimicrobial vegetables, should give priority to with raw or short time inside nasty speculation. Green onion, garlic, etc. Can be used as a seasoning, join in salad, or join before cooking dish up, can use their antibacterial effect. After all, it is important to note that vegetables are not drugs, itself may contain bacteria, must be fully wash before eating, cannot treat STH lightly because they have antibacterial, the sterilization effect.

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